Friday 23 April 2010

11pm Arrival in HK after sunny day in Lamma.

Well....after being a bit downhearted yesterday after our first real major downpour, and the forecasts saying it was going to be rainy for over a week we awoke to beautiful sunshine today!!!
I headed straight for Lamma Island and spent a lovely day with a retired much travelled Hong Konger I met a couple of weeks ago in Wan Chai named Peter Ip. He just started chatting to me and we soon hit it off. He told me that when I was next in Lamma to give him a call as he lived there. So after taking a few shots I called him and we met up....After work Em joined us and we spent a lovely evening in Yung Shue Wan and got the 10.30 ferry back to Hong Kong Island. This is the video I took of our final approach and arrival at 11pm.
We're now looking forward to a lovely weekend....same again please!!

Monday 19 April 2010

Sai Kung, New Territories

Today I went to Sai Kung in The New Territories. It was my first trip up this way and took around 1 and a half hours to get there involving MTR out of Central to Mong Kok, a change of line then up to Diamond Hill, then a bus to Sai Kung. This is where I will pick up further connections to other destinations in the territories by either ferry or bus on future longer visits so I wanted to make sure I knew where everything was and to check out how long it takes to get to other places from here.
After taking some photo's around the town and waterfront I had my first trip on a Saipan, just out of the harbour and around some of the nearer islands for an hour or so at a cost of 150HKD (around £13). I really enjoyed this and was glad to finally get a ride on one of these after seeing so many of them around the islands. The owner was a sweet old man and it was his wife who originally collared me on the promenade!!...I wanted to get a pic of him but he was a bit camera shy so i didn't push it!!. After my ride I had a coffee in one of the waterfront cafe's and then a walk round the town to check what was available in the shops and then the promenade for a while before making my way back to the bus terminus for my connection toward home. One thing of note was 2 ferries dedicated exclusively to taking rich or pseudo rich Hong Kongers over to an island with nothing other than a golf course!!! funny is THAT!!!!, I got some pics of one of the very golfy looking caddies walking down the promenade with what must have been 20 golf trollies in tow he must have collected from the nearby car park that i must say was one of the best camouflage jobs i've ever seen. I photo'd it before i even realised what it was.
After arriving back on Hong Kong Island i met Em at a very quaint coffee shop I found in the mid levels and we headed home together from there.
Em did the cooking tonight, Her first since arriving. Mash and hot dog sausages with wasabi!!!
Very nice indeed!!

Pics Here

Sunday 18 April 2010

Soho, Mid Levels & Central By Day & Night

After our Jaunt round the local neighborhood with the cameras yesterday I've put some of the day and night photo's up today. I have also updated the Peng Chau Gallery with some pics I took there yesterday afternoon. Today Were going shopping and just chilling, Em will probably attack a bit of her coursework later.

Pics Here