Sok Kwu Wan is beautiful when you approach, it's very fishing orientated and is much more picturesque than Yung Shue Wan. I encountered mangrove swamps, also the caves in the pics are called the "Kamikaze" caves and are huge, apparently during the occupation of WW2 the Japanese were in the process of setting up the caves to be able to launch raids on any approaching allies, but the war ended before the arrangements were complete. The walk takes you up and down and up again and really hits the legs after a while, but is hugely rewarding when you get to see the views. I'm always a bit dissapointed with the pics because they never translate the sheer scale of the landscape...we're talking ski jump type hills, both up and down. And the paths you see in the pics are not paths at all but are actually Lamma's version of roads which is why you'll see little pickups in a few of the pics. I must admit that after the last couple of days i'm happily knackered for want of a better phrase, although i'm sure a bit fitter!!.
Em's off work for 5 days now, so were gonna be chilling and maybe heading off a few places together. Really looking forward to it, it's the first real time off she's had apart from weekends that is and so she's really into just unwinding for a few days. Shame the weathers not gonna be too good but we'll have to see about that as a forecast of rain here can often be a 2 minute shower in an otherwise beautifully hot day.
So i have Em to entertain for 5 days, and from Sunday Andrew, Em's brother joins the party!!. So if he can cope with the jetlag, we'll be sorting somewhere we can all go together before Em has to get back to the grind!.
Pics Here
I always try to keep innocent bystanders out of the melee if i can..bit achy today though, knew i should have had a bath rather than a shower last night!!