We took the same Ferry that Rus had done on Thursday but we walked the trail from Sok Kwu Wan. The temperature today was a good 10 degrees lower than Rus's earlier jaunt, so it was comfortable in that sense, and we stuck to the path rather than deviating to all the different vantange points and beaches. When we got to the beautiful beach at Hung Shin Ye and did our usual - singapore satays at the beach front bar (concerto inn, lamma island). We continued our walk to Yung Shing Wan, picked me up a fabulous Elmo (sesame street) bag, banana muffin for Rus and 10 (yes ten) cans of pepsi max. The excitement.
We then sat outside the Fountain Head (bar) until the manager arrived and bought out Tsing Tao for Rus and my diet coke.... we left the bar just before 8 to pick up the ferry. One of my favourite part of being out here is travelling by ferry in the evening with all the skyscrapers lit up. Its really lovely. Back at the apartment, we have just called customer service out to bring a spare bed, bedding and towels for my brothers arrival (early) tomorrow morning. It will have to be an early night tonight as tomorrow we need to be at the airport by 7 (and that's not a natural waking hour for me). As I type this, my brother will be 3 hours into his flight, hopefully getting some sleep as he's going to have a very busy week as there's a lot to fit in...