It's been a pretty full week this week and it's only Wednesday!!!...here's the breakdown.
Monday I Jumped on a slow ferry and headed for Cheung Chau, A small island just 30 minutes southwest of Hong Kong Island. Cheung Chau has a history of piracy but is now very much focused around fishing. The island is a strange shape and tapers in the middle. The ferry port is on one side of this taper, and a beach complete with shark nets the other side. To walk from one to the other takes just a couple of minutes. You do not swim in the South China Sea anywhere but where there are the shark nets....or you will get munched!!!. This area is one of the most shark infested in the world.
Another quirk about this island is the emergency services, the ambulances and fire engines look just like something out of "Trumpton". They are tiny. This is because of the narrow streets here. I loved this place and look forward to going back again soon. I didn't get pics of the fire engines this time but will do when I go back. I enjoyed a chinese lunch in one of the portside restaurants.
Tuesday Was a complete disaster of a day for the most part, but looking back on it now i must admit that it was pretty funny. Here's how it went.......
I was sat at the IFC having a coffee and working on the laptop when i got a text from Em inviting me over to Quarry Bay for lunch at our favourite Thai restaurant. I decided as she's been having trouble with her camera that i would zip over to Sheung Wan and get her another one from the Lomography shop. This is where it all started to go wrong.
Sheung Wan was heaving....with people cutting across you and walking at a snails pace everywhere either texting on their mobiles or just daydreaming. I've not yet met a Hong Konger that actually walks straight!!. They just seem to have their own way that is just about the opposite of any logical way of doing things (Like Walking) that i may come up with. Not too good when you're in a rush. I finally got to the shop, brought the camera and made my way back to the MTR for the 9 stops to Quarry Bay.
I got there 15 minutes early and headed straight for the restaurant ruffled after my jaunt To Sheung Wan and i needed the loo. When grabbing a table outside i was going to message Em to let her know i was at the restaurant waiting for her. The Camera was going to be a suprise. I noticed a message from Em saying she couldn't reach my phone. I sent a text saying I was there and thought no more of it and went on to order our usual lunch and 2 diet cokes for us, expecting Em to turn up at any moment.
Em never came first or last, the lunch turned up, i only just had the money to cover it.
It turns out that while i was receiving Em's messages, and replying to them. Emma was not receiving mine. so just thought i'd headed off somewhere. I was out of credit, and we found out the hard way that you get no notification when you run out, and not only can you not make calls but anyone who tries to ring you just gets an engaged tone!!!
We were soooooo gutted....i'd run around for 3 hours for nothing, and poor Em had no lunch because she was waiting just in case I turned up. We ended up going out to the quiz night in the evening to drown our sorrows...and won a bottle of White wine.
Which brings me to what I've been up to today....And that's coming up in the next post.
Pics Here