Wednesday 24 March 2010

Wednesday - Tai O

This morning the sun was out and as a result i decided i could not let it go to waste.
I headed for the pier's not knowing where i was going to go. Just that it would have to be on a slow ferry with an open deck. Almost as soon as i got to the pier there was a boat already in and heading for a 40 minute trek to Mui Wu on Lantau Island (22 dollars or £2). One of Em's work colleagues had mentioned about a little fishing village called "Tai O" on Lantau, so i decided to take a look. I arrived at Mui Wu, grabbed some toast and jam at one of the quayside cafe's and then caught a 50 minute bus to Tai O, at a cost of 10.70HKD (About £1.50). Now i have to mention here that this trip would have been worth it just for the busride!!. It was like a trip over the pyranees only better, up and down huge slopes, twisting and weaving up and over the mountains with massive views of enormous valley's falling away from the roadside and finally sweeping back down to the coast on the other side of the island. Even the bus drivers are full on here!! rally drivers on drugs!!!
When i got to Tai O i must admit i was a little disappointed, but not for long.
I could live here!!....beautiful....if at first hidden. Narrow streets, lovely views, wonderful stilt houses, and 4 inch vivid blue butterflies that actually screech!!.
I spent 3-4 great hours here getting pics and milling about, then to my complete suprise i ended up on a rib boat for 15 minutes for 20 dollars (1.80) looking at the stilt houses from the water. What a result!!
I left just after 5 and got back to Hong Kong Island around 7pm after another mad drive over the mountains to the ferry and then the cruise back. Em was on her way home when i got off the boat so we met up and i had a coffee then we got some food and headed home for a night in. Emma doing her coursework and me sorting pics and writing this!!
I'll sleep well tonight....i just wish Em could have been there with me, but we're going to do it all together one weekend soon anyway.

Pics Here


  1. What an adventure so far .... never a dull moment. When do you start a job as a tour guide Russ?\
