On my return I took pics of the gallery for him and told him he could use them as he saw fit.
While I was there a police officer turned up stating that there had been a complaint regarding the art as being too rude, There were nudes in the exhibition but nothing at all extreme.
That evening was due to be the opening of the exhibition, and I left wondering if the guy was going to get shut down....with local media, critics and others due to attend the opening.
The Artist in question gave me a couple of signed copies of his book of prints of the collection, one personalised), for doing the shots...and invited me and Em to the evenings opening......
We decided to pop down but not necessarily enter just to see if it had all gone well for him.
The opening went brilliantly, and although the police had stated that the local "Thought Police" or whoever they are would be there on Monday to deem his art "OK" or not,,,,the opening was not interrupted!!!.....apparently you have to be ssooooooo careful now the Chinese rule here.
Anyway...it turned out the following morning that there was a feature in the South China Morning Post about a gallery that was raided for nudes being too rude!!!!. And I was there when it happened!!!!
Turns out the artist was not only the Artistic Consultant for Louis Vuitton Asia Pacific, but also Deputy Secratary General for the Hong Kong Arts Council, and the head of Secretariat of the Australia Council for the Arts.......as well as being a respected art critic!!!.
And me and Em got enjoy a glass of wine with him and to see him pissed!!!!
Brilliant!!!!.......a thoroughly nice bloke!!!
Oi, Come on guys .... it's now the 11th. I'm getting Blog withdrawal.