University is a stop on the East Rail Line and is the location of what is actually the University of China, and not the University of Hong Kong which is actually on Hong Kong Island.
This campus is pretty impressive to say the least!!!...with the station predominately serving the Uni exclusively. Centre's for everything from Sports Science to Marine Biology, Dedicated running tracks, football tracks, Everything Tracks!!!!
The place was sooo Uni driven that I found it hard to find a way to the waterfront and Ma Liu Shui Pier which was the only thing I was there for anyway. Eventually after doing a mile loop I finally got there. And got a chance to check out the timetable ( A major secret it seems as although I've seen mention of it, it's been in a 2 times a day vague kind of way). Not really helpful when you want to know when the bloody thing leaves and gets back, if it does at all!!!. Anyway....sorted now. It was on leaving the pier that i noticed the discrete subway back to the MTR......I obviously walked in the bloody wrong direction again, Im beginning to think it's a bloody conspiricy!!. I swear the chinese don't want us to visit these places and so make sure there are NO signs whatsoever!!!.
I made my way back via Sha Tin with the intention of stopping off at the 10,000 buddha's monastery but ending up getting lost again!!!....still... at least I got to have a look around what turned out to be a nice place (after my initial impression of it being the Hong Kong equivelent of Croydon, I'll make it to the monastery at some point before I leave.) Got a few photo's there then decided to head back to the end of the east rail line at Hung Hom to try to walk to the ferry pier where I got a boat back directly to Central rather than having to change 2 times on the MTR. Got the boat, and home....via the Wheel for a nice cold beer. It was hot today, mostly overcast and cloudy but 29 degrees with humidity like a steam room....Nice!!!!.
Needless to say Em was suitably impressed after immediately breaking into a massive sweat after having to leave her cosy air conditioned fridge!!!!.
Indian Tonight!!!!.
Hope you enjoyed your Indian, hope it was the one that keeps phoning me from Mumbia. Mum's amazed, that you are into trudging like you are!